Location, 111 NE 1st Street 8th Floor. Miami, FL 33132 United States
Phone- 1-888-530-1893 Fax- 1-888-376-3696

Team of World Class Scientists


The Secret of Our Formula’s

The truth is it was no simple task to create the Eden Project and their solutions tommany of the worlds problems. Many scientist have tickered with microbes and found out that they work in some way.  but no one has actually cracked the code of how to make it work at the level the Eden Project has. It is because Eden World Solutions has basically hired some of the most ellite Microbes gathered from some of the top scientist in the field who have pain stackingly gathered and sequestered some of natures most powerful microbial life for over the past thirty-years. And the reseach on how to make it as effective as it is today sprang together a new era in micrbial technology that is without an equal as far as we know.

Which Microbes 

There are many different types of microbes and different subsets of the same spies. which microbes you use are import.

Working Together

Microbes work together or in some cases against each other, how the are put together is key

Sometimes they exploid

Somethings are meant to be together and somethings are not. In the case of microbes that dont get along the will separt themselves with a bang.

Getting the Formula right

When the Microbiome is working together synegetically the result are why our formulas work so well.
